Potato cake


Photo: chefdecuisine.com

Prep Time:
20 minutes
Cooking Time:
1 hour

Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


  • 5 pounds potatoes
    5 slices bacon
    4 ounces butter
    2 ounces chopped onion
    to taste salt


Boil the potatoes in their skin in salted boiling water.
Peel potatoes when cool then grate coarsely.
Cut bacon slices across into small pieces. Fry until crisp. Saute onions with butter.
Add the potatoes and bacon bits. Season with salt. Mix well while turning the potatoes. Brown both sides of the potato cake and serve hot.

Country cuisine Ecookbook(s) showing the recipe Potato cake:

3 Countries Ecookbooks in the spotlight

France E-cookbook


USA Complete E-cookbook


Italy Complete E-cookbook


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