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Serves: 6
If they like it, it serves 6 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Totaltime: 1 hour 40 minutes

Soparnik is known as a Croatian version of pizza, although it’s more like a pie, with dough on the top and bottom. It’s traditionally filled with swiss chard.


  • 300 g plain flour (about 2 cups, plus more for dusting)
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    ½ tsp Salt
    ¼ tsp Black pepper
    2/3 cup (150ml water)

    For the filling:
    Large handful Swiss chard
    1 onion finely diced
    3 cloves garlic minced
    4 tablespoon fresh parsley chopped
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    Black pepper
    Extra virgin olive oil optional, to serve


  • 1. Add the plain flour, olive oil and salt and pepper to a large mixing bowl. Gradually adding the water, knead the mixture with clean hands until it comes together into a dough. The dough should be moist but not overly sticky, so you may not need all of the water (or you may need to adjust the water).
    2. Continue to knead for a few more minutes, until the dough is fairly elastic. Place the ball of dough into a lightly oiled bowl, and cover. Allow to rest for 1 hour.
    3. While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Remove any tough stems from the Swiss chard, and chop the leaves and stems. Add the finely diced onion, garlic and parsley, along with a tablespoon of olive oil and a touch more salt and pepper. Mix well, and set aside.
    4. When the dough has rested, transfer it to a lightly floured surface. Divide the mixture in two equal pieces, and roll the first section out to your desired size (the thinner the better).
    5. Transfer the rolled-out dough to a sheet of baking paper, and add the filling, making sure it's spread out evenly to the edges of the dough.
    6. Roll out the second piece of dough in the same size, and place it over the filling.
    7. Using a rolling pin, press the two layers of dough together over the filling, pressing out as much air as possible and tightly sealing the edges. Make a few small holes in the top of the pie with a fork.
    8. Bake at 190°C (Gas Mark 5 / 375°F) for around 20 minutes, until lightly browned. Cut into diamonds with a pizza cutter, and serve warm, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil if desired.

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