Colcannon cakes



Prep Time:
20 minutes
Cooking Time:
20 minutes

Mashed Potatoes with Cabbage

Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


  • 1 1/2 pounds mealy potatoes
    3 cups thinly sliced Savoy cabbage
    1/4 cup light cream
    salt and black pepper to taste
    1 cup onion, thinly sliced
    2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into bits and softened


1 Peel the potatoes and cut them into 1-inch pieces. In a saucepan cover the potatoes with salted water and simmer them, covered, for 15 minutes, or until they are tender. While the potatoes are simmering, in a steamer set over boiling water steam the cabbage for 5 minutes, or until it is tender. Drain the potatoes in a colander, force them through a ricer or the medium disk of a food mill into a bowl, and stir in the cream, the cabbage, and salt and pepper to taste.

2. Fry the onion in the butter over a moderate heat until it is soft and beginning to brown.

3. Using a spatula, press half the potato and cabbage mixture in an even layer on to the onion and fry for 4-5 minutes until it is well browned and crispy underneath.

4. Cut the mixture into 4 quarters with the spatula or palette knife and turn them over carefully so that the crispy bit is uppermost. Press the remaining potato and cabbage mixture on to the first layer and after a few more minutes, cut and turn again.
5. When the bottom is again browned, you will have a crispy top, a crispy bottom, and a crispy layer in the middle.

Country cuisine Ecookbook(s) showing the recipe Colcannon cakes:

3 Countries Ecookbooks in the spotlight

France E-cookbook


USA Complete E-cookbook


Italy Complete E-cookbook


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