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Niçoise salad

Cheese soufflé

Paella Valenciana

Caramel custard

Thai chicken lemon grass coconut soup -tom kai

Cod fritters

Chicken Fingers

Cacio e Pepe Pasta

Sweet and Sour Pork

A Culinary Journey Across



58 Countries
“There is no love sincerer than the love of food,” George Bernard Shaw said.
Judging by the number of amazing dishes out there, he was right.

But which are the tastiest? Which are the best foods? We've found the world's tastiest dishes: how many have you tried?

Best bites around the globe
We may not be able to travel to every country on Earth, but a great way to get a taste of a culture is to sample its signature dishes. Try cooking up a storm in your own kitchen and let your taste buds set sail on a culinary journey across the globe.
Cuisine is influenced by the cooking of

Traditional Algerian cuisine, a colorful combination of Berber, Turkish, French, and Arab tastes, can be either extremely mild or packed with flavorful seasonings. Ginger, saffron, onion, garlic, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, parsley, and mint are essential in any Algerian pantry.
Couscous , the national dish, is often mistaken as a grain itself, rather than pasta. The pasta dough is a mixture of water and coarse, grainy semolina wheat particles. The dough is then crumbled through a sieve to create tiny pellets. Algerians prefer lamb, chicken, or fish to be placed on a bed of warm couscous, along with cooked vegetables such as carrots, chickpeas, and tomatoes, and spicy stews. Couscous can also be used in desserts by adding a variety of ingredients, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, dates, and figs.
No Algerian meal would be complete without bread, normally a long, French loaf. Similar to Middle Eastern customs, bread is often used to scoop food off of a plate or to soak up a spicy sauce or stew. More traditional Berber families usually eat flat, wheat bread.
Mechoui , a roasted whole lamb cooked on an outdoor spit, is usually prepared when a large group of people gathers together. The animal is seasoned with herb butter so the skin is crispy and the meat inside is tender and juicy. Bread and various dried fruits and vegetables, including dates (whose trees can thrive in the country's Sahara desert), often accompany mechoui .
Berkoukech soup
Chicken couscous
Chicken salad
Moroccan spiced chickpea soup
shortbread cookies with Nutella
Angolan cuisine is the cuisine of Angola, a country in south-central Africa. Because Angola was a Portuguese colony for centuries, Portuguese cuisine has significantly influenced Angolan cuisine, with many foods imported into Angola by the Portuguese.
Moqueca seafood stew
Benin is a country in West Africa, bordered by Togo to the west, Nigeria to the east, and Burkina Faso and Niger to the north. About 42 African ethnic groups live in Benin, with most people living on its small southern coastline of Benin.
French is the official language as it was a French colony.
Couscous is a staple in Benin cuisine apart from vegetables like rice, beans, yams and tomatoes.
The region is famous for its amazing fruits like oranges, avocado, kiwi, pineapple.
The traditional Beninese meals are rich in rice, corn, beans, yams, cassava and millet while the most popular food found in Benin is the fish and chicken.
Africa has long been regarded as the cradle of humankind, but scientists seeking a more specific location have narrowed in on northern Botswana as the "homeland" for all modern humans, according to a new study. There, south of the Greater Zambezi River Basin, which includes northern Botswana and parts of Namibia and Zimbabwe, the ancestors of Homo sapiens began 200,000 years ago, the researchers said. One wonders what their diet would have been.
The national dish of Botswana is called Seswaa. This consists of a meat stew served over thick polenta or pap. The stew is made by boiling meat with onion and pepper.
The cuisine of Botswana is unique but also shares some characteristics with other cuisines of Southern Africa. Examples of Setswana food include pap, samp, vetkoek, bogobe and mopane worms. Watermelons are believed to have originated in Botswana.
Burkinabé cuisine, the cuisine of Burkina Faso, is similar to the cuisines in many parts of West Africa, and is based on staple foods of sorghum, millet, rice, fonio, maize, peanuts, potatoes, beans, yams and okra. Rice, maize and millet are the most commonly eaten grains.
Tô is the national dish of Burkina Faso. It is also eaten daily in Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin and Togo. Tô is a paste made from millet, maize or sorghum flour and served with a vegetable, meat or chicken sauce. It is cooked with various ingredients, such as soumbala, tomato, chilli, okra, cabbage leaves, sorrel leaves, baobab leaves, carrots, etc. Tô remains the daily meal of the vast majority of the inhabitants of Burkina Faso.
the Burundi cuisine is very representative of the African culinary culture, as it includes beans, which are the staple of Burundi cooking, exotic fruits (mainly bananas) plantains, sweet potatoes, cassava, peas, maize and cereals, like corn and wheat.
This West African little ball-shaped, deep fried doughnut is a common food, however it bears several names from country to country. It is called togbei and bofrot in Ghana but also puff puff, kala or mikate, beinye and ligemat in other West African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon and Sierra Leone, while South and East Africa call their doughnut, mandazi.Cameroon food is varied and diverse. The food in Cameroon is influenced by Cameroon colonial history but still retains a lot of Cameroon traditional food and Cameroon cuisine. Also influencing the Cameroonian food is the geographical location of Cameroon. Being at the center of Africa, central west african cultural food in addition to western food are part of Cameroon food. The cuisine is mostly starchy food with some stew food, peanut food and various cassava leaves and cassava recipe. The Cameroon meal generally consist of starchy foods (called Fufu) served with spice sauces, stew or some vegetables. Meat, fish, curries and spicy sauce are common.
Jollof rice
Cuisine is influenced by the cooking of
Creole, Portuguese, African and Brazilian gastronomy have all influenced the food and drink of the isles.
Cachupa is the archipelago’s national dish. This slow-cooked, hearty stew made with beans, corn kernels, vegetables and fish or meat, is a type of Feijoada and is Portuguese in origin. It is commonly served with rice. Soups are also popular such as Canjo, a thick chicken soup with rice, onions and carrots. .
And braised meats are not uncommon but fresh fish and seafood really are the order of the day. .
Cachupa Rica is the fish version of this popular stew. .
Buzio is a tasty slow-cooked stew made with shellfish (usually mussels) and soya sauce. .
Cado de Peixe ou Caiderado is a fish dish (usually Cavala) with potato, pumpkin, carrots, vegetables and tomato puree. .
Bafas is a snack or appetiser of fish cooked with tomato, onion and peppers in breadcrumbs. .
Carpachio is raw tuna, sliced finely and marinated in lime, oil and salt. .
Tuna Tartar is also raw tuna chopped and marinated in a soy dressing. .
Morreia is eel, fried in oil. .
Lagosta suada is a steamed lobster. .
Percebes (sea fingers or gooseneck barnacles) are bizarre looking, finger-like barnacles, eaten by cracking off the end and peeling the skin to reveal the meat which is similar in texture to squid.
Brazilian feijoada - black bean stew
Coconut shrimp with sweet chili sauce
Paella of mussels
The cuisine of Central African Republic consists of different exotic dishes, reflects the indigenous traditions and influences of the Arabs, Asians and Europeans, and is a mixture of vegetables, fruits, fish and meat.
Cassava, plantains and sorghum are the staple food.
Chikwangue is a savoury preparation made from flour of the root of the manioc (which is also known as cassava). For chikwangue, flour from the manioc is pulverised, made into a thick paste, and then left to ferment. It is then wrapped in banana leaf, tied up well, and steam cooked in water.
Fufu (or foofoo, fufuo, foufou) is a staple food common in many countries in West Africa such as Cote D'Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Liberia, Togo and Nigeria. It is often made in the traditional Ghanaian and Nigerian method by mixing and pounding separate equal portions of cassava and green plantain flour thoroughly with water. It is then adjusted to either increase or decrease the viscosity of the fufu depending on personal preferences. Other flours, such as semolina, maize flour or mashed plantains may take the place of cassava flour. Fufu is often served with groundnut soup, palm nut soup, abunuabunu or light soup.
Meats can be scarce in the Central African Republic, although fish is used in a variety of dishes, and other sources of protein include peanuts and insects such as cicadas, grasshoppers, crickets and termites. Common meats in Central African cuisine include chicken and goat. Wild game is also hunted, especially in rural areas and during the grass burning dry-season
Moroccan spiced chicken breasts
Moroccan spiced chickpea soup
Skillet chicken and rice
Tostones - fried plantains
What is Chad's traditional food? Chadian cuisine - Wikipedia Commonly consumed grains include millet, sorghum, and rice as staple foods. Vegetables include okra and cassava. A variety of fruits are also eaten. Meats include mutton, chicken, pork, goat, fish, lamb and beef.
The traditional bread of Chad? Kisra (also spelled kissra) is a popular thin fermented bread made in Chad, Sudan , South Sudan and some parts of Uganda and Kenya. It is made from durra or wheat.
Skillet chicken and rice
Comoros is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa between Mozambique and Madagascar. The majority of the population in the Union of Comoros follows the Islam religion and the country has 3 official languages: Arabic, French and Comorian.
Cuisine in the Comoros can be described as a delightful fusion of Arab and French tastes.
The nation never runs out of fresh seafood and even dried varieties. Fish is served in almost every meal, particularly in stews, along with staple dishes such as rice and meat. Comorian food is very flavorful, seasoned with locally grown spices like vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, cloves, and nutmeg. Local favorites include langouste a la vanille (lobster cooked in vanilla sauce) and barbecued goat meat, along with other types of meat kebabs.
Rice is served as a ceremonial dish along with colossal cakes. Like other African countries, porridge is a staple on the Comoros Islands, particularly one made from cassava, often garnished with dried fruits.
Fresh fruit is also in abundance on the islands, especially pineapple, avocado, banana, and pawpaw. Jackfruit is a local favorite, which is a large, one to two foot long green snack widely available that tastes somewhat like lychee.
Moambe is the national dish. Its name comes from the number of ingredients, which is eight – cassava leaves, hot pepper sauce, bananas, rice, peanuts, fish, chicken, and palm nuts.
Saka-saka is a popular dish throughout Congo. It consists of cassava leaves, smoked fish, palm oil and peanut butter. It is also accompanied with plantains, fufu or Kwanga.
The cuisine of the Democratic Republic of the Congo varies widely, representing the food of indigenous people. Cassava is generally the staple food usually eaten with other side dishes.

Moambe: DRC’s national dish consisting of chicken or fish with cassava leaves, hot pepper sauce, bananas, rice, peanuts, fish, chicken, and palm nuts.
Chikwanga: Cassava cooked and stored in banana leaves.
Fufu: A sticky, dough-like staple made from cassava flour.
Pili Pili: Hot chilli sauce or paste served with almost everything.
Satori: A tasty fish dish consisting of tilapia fillets fried with pumpkin seeds, plantains and garlic.
Saka Saka: Ground cassava leaves cooked with palm oil, peanut paste, beans and salt fish.
Maboke: A freshwater fish cooked in large marantacee leaves.
Linguila: A wine made from fermented sugar cane.
Palm wine: A tipple made from the sap of palm trees and fermented by natural yeasts.
White elephant: A popular alcoholic drink made from rum, coconut and milk.

Skillet chicken and rice
Tostones - fried plantains
Skudahkharis is indisputably the national dish of Djibouti. Commonly prepared during the Islamic holiday of Eid al-Adha, it is made of rice, lamb and ayurvedic spices such as cardamom. It can also go well with chicken, beef or fish.
Sambuussa Also called samosa, sambuussa is a perfect appetizer with which to start your meal.
fah-fah, a classic Djiboutian stew made with goat meat, vegetables and chillies, that can also be made with camel or lamb meat. This dish is normally served with a sponge-like bread called canjeero to soak up the stew sauce.

Djibouti‘s cuisine is heavily influenced by its neighbors, Ethiopia, Somalia and Yemen, as well as its former occupier France, and by India to some extent. Being a hotspot on the old Spice Road that made its way to Timbuktu, the country has a range of dishes that are as unique as their origin.

Egyptian food has been influenced by conquerors and geography: Ottoman spices, French pastries, Mediterranean olives and tomatoes.
Egypt most known dish is kushari. Macaroni, rice, and lentils make up the main ingredients for kushari. Chickpeas, garlic, vinegar, spiced tomato sauce, and crispy fried onions are added on top of the dish. Kushari is perfect for vegans and vegetarians.
Ful Medames
Ful medames, also known simply as ful, competes with kushari as Egyptian most famous dish. Some writers deem that ful is among the earliest meals created in the country. They believe that it was first prepared as early as the ancient times.
Cooked fava beans are the primary ingredient for ful. It may be served with egg or vegetable slices. Cumin, chili pepper, onion, garlic, parsley and vegetable oil are added to make it more flavorful.
Ful isn’t only enjoyed in Egypt. You may also find it in restaurants in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Somalia, and Yemen. It even has local versions in Armenia and Ethiopia.
This Egyptian dish is the local version of moussaka. Moussaka is deemed to be a dish from Middle East and Greece. It’s usually based on either potato or eggplant. Mesaqa‘ah, however, is mainly based on eggplant.
To make mesaqa‘ah, eggplant slices are first grilled along with slices of onion, chili pepper, and green pepper. Afterwards, the fried slices are soaked in tomato sauce. Then, the slices are stacked together. Cooked ground beef may be added as well. Once done, the dish is baked.
Also called dolma, mahshi belongs to the family of stuffed dishes commonly found in Mediterranean countries. The stuffing is made from a mixture of rice, onion, crushed tomatoes, and various herbs and spices. Once the said ingredients are blended well, they are stuffed into vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, green bell pepper and even tomato. The stuffing may also be wrapped in cabbage or grape leaves. The stuffed vegetables are cooked in a pot. The pot is filled with either beef or chicken broth.
It’s not known as to which country mahshi came from. Aside from Egypt, it’s also prepared a lot in Azerbaijan, Greece, Italy, Iraq and Turkey. In Egypt, mahshi is served warm while in other countries, it may be chilled first.
Baba ganoush
Baharat spice blend
Basic hummus
Chicken salad with couscous
Chickpea-broccoli burgers
Dark apple spice cake


• Chicken served in a peanut butter or cream sauce with rice or boiled plantain.
Meat or fish grilled with crushed pumpkin seeds served in leaves.
Cassava is a staple food, often served with fish or meat.
Sweet potatoes, yams and plantain are all popular ingredients.

National drinks:
• Malamba (local sugar cane brew).
• Osang (African tea).
Beer and palm wine are produced locally.
Skillet chicken and rice
Local Eritrean food, famous the world over for its delicious spicy dishes of meat and vegetables served on large spongy pancake called injera, the staple made from teff, wheat or sorghum. Injera is eaten with stew made from meat, fish, vegetables, or any combination of these. Meat or fish stews are called zigini.
The main traditional food in Eritrean cuisine is tsebhi (stew), served with taita (flatbread made from teff, wheat, or sorghum), and hilbet (paste made from legumes; mainly lentil and faba beans).
Roasted brussels sprouts with red pepper
The cuisine of Ethiopia is a rich and diverse culinary tradition that reflects the country’s history, culture, and geography. Some of the most common dishes in Ethiopian cuisine are:

Injera: A sour, tangy flatbread made from teff, a gluten-free grain. Injera is used as a base, utensil, and plate for various stews, salads, and vegetables.

Wot: A spicy stew that can be made with chicken, beef, lentils, or other ingredients. Wot is seasoned with berbere, a blend of chili powder and other spices, and cooked slowly until thick and flavorful.

Shiro: A vegetarian stew made from chickpeas and broad beans, often eaten during fasting days by Orthodox Christians. Shiro is creamy, mild, and usually served with injera or bread.

Kitfo: A dish of raw or lightly cooked minced beef mixed with clarified butter and spices. Kitfo is considered a delicacy and often eaten with cheese and greens.

Tibs: A dish of sautéed meat, usually lamb or beef, with onions, peppers, and herbs. Tibs can be served hot or cold, and sometimes with awaze, a spicy sauce made from berbere and honey wine.

Ethiopian cuisine is also known for its beverages, such as tej, a fermented honey wine, tella, a traditional beer made from grains, and buna, a strong coffee served with sugar and popcorn.
Berbere - Ethiopian spice mix
Berbere lentils
Ethiopian injera pancake
Grilled cauliflower with red chili zhug yogurt - black garlic - hazelnut dukah and mint salsa verde
Gabonese food is a distinctive and delicious blend of traditional African ingredients and French flavours, though it jostles for space on local menus with Senegalese, Cameroonian and Congolese dishes, which are commonly served here.

Meals typically consist of meat or fish served with stewed vegetables and a sauce, generally sporting very hot chilli flavours. Having maintained strong links with France since independence, French staples such as croissants and baguettes can be found in the cities.

In more rural areas of the country, dishes tend to be simpler, relying on cassava, rice or yams. Bush meat such as monkey and antelope has been a traditional part of the Gabonese diet.


Braised fish: Bass or red fish braised with chilli flavours and served with rice or French fries.Gabonese food is a distinctive and delicious blend of traditional African ingredients and French flavours, though it jostles for space on local menus with Senegalese, Cameroonian and Congolese dishes, which are commonly served here.

Meals typically consist of meat or fish served with stewed vegetables and a sauce, generally sporting very hot chilli flavours. Having maintained strong links with France since independence, French staples such as croissants and baguettes can be found in the cities.

In more rural areas of the country, dishes tend to be simpler, relying on cassava, rice or yams. Bush meat such as monkey and antelope has been a traditional part of the Gabonese diet.


Braised fish: Bass or red fish braised with chilli flavours and served with rice or French fries.

Skillet chicken and rice
Traditional Gambian dishes cooked in homes are mostly rice, the staple food, with a covering of various spicy sauces as on the right. However, steamed millet, couscous, cassava is also eaten. The defining ingredients for these various dishes are either peanut butter paste (Domoda), ladies fingers (Okra), palm oil (chew deu terr) or edible leaves such as spinach or cassava leaves. Very popular among poor families is Mbahal which is rice mixed with grated peanuts, dried fish such as bonga. Many of these dishes are also common to Senegalese cooking as both countries have common cultural ties.
Some of the best known authentic dishes are 'Domoda' (peanut butter sauce), 'supakanja' (okra stew), 'benachin' (Jolof Rice), 'Chere' (couscous type millet), chicken 'Yassa' (fried chicken in onions).
The typical Ghanaian staples in the south include cassava and plantain, FuFu, Kinkey and Bankou.
In the northern parts of the country, their main staples include millet and sorghum. Yam, maize and beans aroused across the country as staple foods. .
Crops such as peanuts and Coco-Yam are also important in the local cuisine. .
With the advent of modernization and colonialism, imported crops such as rice and wheat have been increasingly incorporated in Ghanaian cuisine. .
This West African little ball-shaped, deep fried doughnut is a common food, however it bears several names from country to country. It is called togbei and bofrot in Ghana but also puff puff, kala or mikate, beinye and ligemat in other West African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon and Sierra Leone, while South and East Africa call their doughnut, mandazi.
Codfish acras
Jollof rice
Peri peri sauce
Shito pepper sauce
Skillet chicken and rice
Guinean cuisine includes these Notable dishes
• Fou fou, also known as To, is a savory pastry with okra sauce.
• Bouille.
• Boiled mango.
• Fried plantain.
• Patates, fried sweet potatoes.
• Pumpkin pie.
• Sesame cookie.
• Tamarind drink.
Skillet chicken and rice
Guinea-Bissau's few hotels and restaurants offer excellent food, though some places are expensive. The food in Guinea-Bissau is African in nature but has been influenced by the Portuguese. Rice is a staple near the coast and in the interior staples are cassava, yams and maize. Generally the seafood is very good. Cashew nuts are abundant and grown for export.


Jollof rice: Rice cooked with palm oil, tomato paste and onions, to which other vegetables and meat or fish are added.
Egusi soup: Soup thickened with the ground seeds of squashes. It usually contains green vegetables and sometimes tomatoes and onions.
Yassa chicken: Common across West Africa, this dish features chicken cooked in an onion and tomato sauce.
Fried cassava: Deep-fried yucca or cassava makes a tasty treat.
Fish stew: A Portuguese inspired dish of seafood in a salty broth.
Avocados with tuna: A salad of avocado, tuna and tomatoes.
Grilled prawns: Particularly common by the coast.
Ravias: Portuguese inspired cinnamon cookies, often sold in bakeries.
Cashew nuts: Delicious and plentiful in season, sometimes made into juice.
Cana de cajeu: Rum made from the fruit of the cashew.
Palm wine: Commonly made in rural areas. Alcohol levels depend on how long it has been left to ferment. It tastes better than it smells.

Skillet chicken and rice
Barbecued or Grilled Fish or Chicken
A marinated and well seasoned fish or chicken grilled or barbecued served with a mix of tomatoes and onions, what Ivorians call: Poulet (Chicken) or Poisson braisé (Fish).
Peanut Butter Stew With White Rice Flavourful from the pepper, tomatoes, sometimes okra and other vegetables that compose the stew and of course the peanut butter, this dish is perfect with white rice.
Kedjenou With White Rice The name may sound as original as the preparation itself yet it’s such a simple, delicious and most of the time highly spiced meal. It’s a dish usually made with chicken slowly cooked with different vegetables in a stew and sometimes sealed with banana leaves.
Foutou with Palm Oil Nut Sauce
Foutou is thick and heavy paste made of boiled then pounded plantains or yams.
Jollof rice
Lesotho is a small country in Southern Africa, covering an area of about 30,350 square kilometers. It is a scenic enclave landlocked by South Africa and crisscrossed by rivers, valleys, and tall mountains. It towers at 3,482 meters above sea level with the lowest point at 1,301 meters and about 80 percent of the entire country at 1,800+ meters making Lesotho the only country in the world that lies entirely 1,000 meters above sea level, and hence the nickname “The Kingdom in The Sky.”
The cuisine of Liberia is a blend of West African and Creole influences, with rice as the main staple.
Some of the typical dishes include fufu, peanut soup, cabbage stew, and rice bread.
Liberians also enjoy baking various kinds of breads and cakes, using ingredients like bananas, coconut, and ginger.
Fish and meat are also important sources of protein, and some people also eat game meat. Liberian cuisine is rich in flavor and diversity, reflecting the country’s history and culture.
Some of the food speciaties are: fufu, peanut soup, cabbage stew, rice bread.
The cuisine of Libya is influenced by Arab, Mediterranean, Ottoman and Italian cultures
Some of the most popular Libyan dishes are:
Bazin, an unleavened bread made with barley flour and meat, served with a spicy sauce and boiled eggs.
Mabkaba, a dish of macaroni with onions, peppers, tomatoes and Libyan spices, sometimes with meat or fish.
Rushda Al Barma, a dish of legumes, dough and meat, usually eaten on the day before the Prophet’s birthday.
Couscous, a North African staple of steamed semolina, served with a stew of meat and vegetables.
Majadra lentils and rice
Cuisine is influenced by the cooking of
The range of dishes eaten in Madagascar in the 21st century offers insight into the island's unique history and the diversity of the peoples who inhabit it today. The complexity of Malagasy meals can range from the simple, traditional preparations introduced by the earliest settlers, to the refined festival dishes prepared for the island's 19th-century monarchs.
Although the classic Malagasy meal of rice and its accompaniment remains predominant, over the past 100 years other food types and combinations have been popularized by French colonists and immigrants from China and India. Consequently, Malagasy cuisine is traditional while also assimilating newly emergent cultural influences.
Throughout almost the entire island, the contemporary cuisine of Madagascar typically consists of a base of rice served with an accompaniment.
The many varieties may be vegetarian or include animal proteins, and typically feature a sauce flavored with such ingredients as ginger, onion, garlic, tomato, vanilla, salt, curry powder, or, less commonly, other spices or herbs.
A wide variety of sweet and savory fritters as well as other street foods are available across the island, as are diverse tropical and temperate-climate fruits.
Baked shrimp with orzo and feta
Banana bread
Coconut milk chicken
Ugali corn fufu
Malawi is a landlocked country in South-eastern Africa. Malawian cuisine is diverse and influenced by the various ethnic groups that live in the country. Some of the most popular dishes are:

Nsima, a thick porridge made from ground white maize flour. It is the staple food of Malawi and is usually served with two side dishes called relishes, which can be meat, fish, beans, or vegetables.
Chambo, a type of fish from Lake Malawi, which is grilled, fried, or cooked in a stew. Chambo is often eaten with nsima or rice.
Kachumbari, a salad of tomatoes and onions, seasoned with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. It is also known as sumu or shum in Malawi.
Thobwa, a fermented drink made from white maize, millet, or sorghum. It is sweet and sour and can be served hot or cold. Mkhwani, a stew of pumpkin leaves, tomatoes, and ground peanut flour. It is a nutritious and tasty dish that can be eaten with nsima or rice,
Peri peri sauce
Ugali corn fufu
Mali has a rich and diverse food culture, influenced by various ethnic groups and regions.
Some of the staple ingredients of the Malian cuisine are rice, millet, sorghum, peanuts, onions, tomatoes, and leafy greens. These are often cooked with meat, fish, or vegetable sauces to create hearty and flavorful dishes.
Some of the popular dishes of Mali are:

Tiguadege Na: This is the national dish of Mali, which means “meat in peanut butter sauce”. It is a stew made with lamb or chicken, potatoes, carrots, and a rich and creamy peanut sauce.
La Capitaine Sangha: This is a dish made with Nile perch, a large freshwater fish that is common in the Niger River. The fish is fried and served with rice, fried bananas, and a spicy chili sauce.
Poulet Yassa: This is a dish of chicken marinated in a mixture of onion, lemon, and vinegar, and then cooked with caramelized onions and more lemon juice. It is a tangy and sweet dish that is served with white rice.
Labadja: This is a festive dish that is eaten on occasions such as Eid. It is a mixture of minced meat and boiled rice in a butter sauce, flavored with spices and herbs.
Couscous: This is a type of pasta made from steamed balls of semolina flour. It is a versatile side dish that can be served with various stews and sauces.
Mali also has a variety of traditional drinks, such as fresh fruit juices, ginger juice, hibiscus tea, and Malian tea. Malian tea is a strong green tea that is brewed with mint leaves and sugar, and served in small glasses. It is a symbol of hospitality and friendship in Mali.
The cuisine of Mauritania is influenced by Arab, Berber, African and French cultures, and it varies by region and ethnicity. Some of the staple foods include dates, fish, rice, couscous, meat, vegetables, peanuts and milk.
One of the most popular dishes in Mauritania is thieboudienne, which is considered the national dish. It is a coastal dish of fish and rice, cooked in a tomato sauce with various spices and vegetables.
Another common dish is yassa poulet, which is a rotisserie roasted chicken with caramelized onions, lemon and spices. It is served with rice or french fries, and it is originally a Senegalese dish from the Wolof and Pulaar tribes.
A third dish that is widely consumed in Mauritania is mahfe, which is a peanut stew with meat (usually chicken, goat or camel) and okra. It is served over rice and it can also be made vegetarian.
Mauritanians also enjoy various desserts and drinks, such as lakh, which is a cheese curd or yogurt with grated coconut served over sweet millet porridge, zrig, which is a milk or water mixed with fermented milk, and mint tea, which is poured from height to create foam.
Mauritius is an island nation in the Indian Ocean, with a diverse population and a rich culinary heritage. The cuisine of Mauritius reflects the influences of African, Indian, Chinese, French and Creole cultures, as well as the tropical fruits and seafood available on the island. Some of the most popular dishes of Mauritius are:

Curries: These are made with garlic, onion, curry leaves and various spices, and can include meat, fish, vegetables or legumes. They are usually served with rice or bread, such as farata (a flatbread similar to paratha) or dholl puri (a split pea flatbread). Boulettes: These are steamed dumplings filled with fish, meat, prawns, calamari or chayote. They can be eaten with chilli sauce or in a clear broth with chives. They are believed to have been introduced by the Cantonese immigrants to Mauritius.
Biryani: This is a rice dish cooked with saffron and mixed with meat, chicken or fish. It is a typical Indian dish that is popular in Mauritius, especially among the Muslim community.
Bol renversé: This means “upside down bowl” in French, and it is a rice dish topped with a stir-fry sauce resembling Chinese chop suey. The sauce is made with soy sauce, oyster sauce, vegetables and chicken, shrimp or meat. An egg is placed on top of the dish before serving.
Alouda: This is a sweet drink made with milk, basil seeds, agar-agar and almond syrup. It is similar to the Indian falooda, and it is often sold by street vendors.
Mabawa is roasted chicken wing meat.
Brochette There are lots of stalls selling Brochette and potatoes. It is eaten with Putu (hot sauce). Some people call Brochette as Nyama, it may be of Swahiri influence.
Mbogo or Mfogo
Mbogo is one of the principal food in Mayotte. It is fried cassava root also called Manioc.
Bricapen is one of the principal food in Mayotte. It is fried or baked breadfruit.
Barabock or Kuobu
Barabock is fried plantain.
is Mayotte 's traditional pancake. Ingredients are rice, water (mix 2 days before cooking), coconut, sugar and baking powder. It is slightly sweet cake.
Cuisine is influenced by the cooking of
The main Moroccan dish most people are familiar with is couscous, the old national delicacy. Beef is the most commonly eaten red meat in Morocco, usually eaten in a tagine with a wide selection of vegetables. Chicken is also very commonly used in tagines, or roasted.
Berkoukech soup
Chicken couscous
Chickpea tahini soup with harissa roasted peppers
Majadra lentils and rice
Moroccan spiced chickpea soup
The cuisine of Mozambique centres around fresh seafood, stews, corn porridge, rice, millet and cassava. Steak and chicken are commonly used meats and are often accompanied by beans, cassava chips, potatoes and coconut.
Peri peri sauce
Ugali corn fufu
August 28 2024:
Due to a serious drought, Namibia is faced with a dilemna. The starving population is compelled to kill the widlife of the country, like elephants, zebras and oher wild animals in order to survive.
Namibian cuisine is influenced by two main cultural strands: the cookery practiced by indigenous people of Namibia, such as the Himba, Herero and San groups, and the settler cookery introduced during the colonial period by people of Germany, Afrikaner and British descent.
Some of the common ingredients used in Namibian cuisine include meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and dairy products. Some of the dishes that are considered traditional or popular in Namibia are:

Meat skewers: a street food snack made with different types of meat, such as beef, crocodile, antelope, zebra, giraffe, lamb and ostrich, grilled over a fire and seasoned with peanut butter, lemon, chili, salt, pepper and coconut milk.
Oshithima: a porridge made with pearl millet flour or maize flour, often eaten with stews, such as spinach and vegetable stew, beef stew, kapana (grilled meat) or mopane worms (caterpillars).
El Potjiekos: a dish consisting of game meat cooked in a three-legged iron pot over a fire, along with vegetables, such as cauliflower, carrots, cabbage and pumpkin, and various herbs and spices. This dish is of Dutch origin and is usually served with bread.
Biltong: dried and cured meat, usually beef or game, sliced into thin strips and eaten as a snack or added to other dishes. Biltong is similar to jerky and is of Afrikaner origin.
Braai: a barbecue or grill where meat, poultry, fish and vegetables are cooked over hot coals and served with salads, breads and sauces. Braai is a social event and a common way of preparing food in Namibia and other southern African countries.
Vetkoek: a fried dough bread that can be filled with sweet or savory fillings, such as jam, cheese, mince or curry. Vetkoek is of Afrikaner origin and is often eaten as a snack or a light meal.
Melktert: a custard tart made with milk, eggs, sugar, flour and cinnamon, baked in a pastry crust and sprinkled with more cinnamon. Melktert is a dessert of Afrikaner origin and is often served with tea or coffee
This West African little ball-shaped, deep fried doughnut is a common food, however it bears several names from country to country. It is called togbei and bofrot in Ghana but also puff puff, kala or mikate, beinye and ligemat in other West African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon and Sierra Leone, while South and East Africa call their doughnut, mandazi.AFRICAN YAM
Yam (Puna) is very popular in Nigeria and other parts of Africa.
Nigeria produces over 70% of the yam consumed in the world. You can have boiled yam on your table in under 30 minutes. Yam requires few ingredients to make it and it is also very easy to cook.

Jollof rice
Peri peri sauce
Skillet chicken and rice
Ugali corn fufu
Rwandan diets are made up of meals that are simple using local ingredients. Sweet potatoes, corn, beans, cassava, pumpkins, yam, fruit and millet are the common foods that make up most diets eaten by Rwandans.
Grilled meat or fish on a stick, is one of the most consumed dishes in Rwanda. Brochettes can be found at pretty much every restaurant. Ubunyobwa A thick and spiced peanut sauce served at lunch buffets around Rwanda, ubunyobwa is a delicious and creamy addition to the often starchy lunch options. The tastiest ubunyobwa is best eaten alongside a sizzling plate of chapati, a flatbread served around East Africa. Big Fish
Big Fish, a classic Rwandan dish found most frequently in Kigali. It’s a giant tilapia, large enough to feed three people, grilled and stuffed with onions and various spices, and served alongside grilled potatoes. Urwagwa
Made from fermented banana juice and sorghum flour, Urwagwa is a beer that is home-brewed in pretty much every rural Rwandan town
Saint Helena is a remote volcanic tropical island in the South Atlantic Ocean, belonging to the United Kingdom.
Like most isolated places and remote islands, St Helena has developed a unique food-culture, influenced throughout its history by the British, and the many immigrant populations including African and Indian slaves and Chinese laborers, and by the ships passing through. A typical buffet-style meal might include roast meat and potatoes, salad, vegetables and meat or fish curry.
Banana cakes with rum sauce
Bavarois maracudja
Caribbean conch stew
Caribbean salmon fillets en papillotte
Chicken pot au feu with carrots potatoes and leeks
Cod with vegetables and aioli sauce
The cuisine of São Tomé and Príncipe is a blend of African, Portuguese, and tropical influences. Some of the common foods are fish, seafood, beans, maize (corn), cooked banana, and tropical fruits.
Some of the traditional dishes are:
Calulu: a stew made with fish or meat, palm oil, beans, and greens.
Feijoada: a bean and meat stew.
Mufete: a stew made with fish, vegetables, and spices.
Arroz doce: a sweet corn and coconut porridge.
Chicken with coffee sauce: a dish made with chicken, coffee, white wine, cream, garlic, coffee beans and spices.
When it comes to a consistent and hearty diet, Senegal is doing it right with diets high in fiber and omega-3s. Legumes, lean meats, fish, beans, and whole grains are important components to Senegalese cuisine.
Senegalese cuisine is made up of an amalgam of influences, from local Wolof culinary traditions to the cuisine of Morocco and cooking of former French colonizers. Many dishes that originated in Senegal have become mainstays throughout West Africa.
Some of the more common dishes in Senegal are:
ceebu jen, a tomatoey fish stew over rice;
yassa, grilled chicken marinated with onions and lemon juice; and
mafé, a meat and peanut stew.
Rice, couscous and French bread are common starches.
Fish is eaten along the long coast. Tomatoes, black-eyed peas, onions and peanuts are used in numerous dishes and stews. Tropical fruit and rich desserts end meals.
Jollof rice
The cuisine of Seychelles is a fusion of different cultures and influences, such as African, French, Indian, Chinese, and British. It is based on fish, seafood, rice, coconut, and spices. Some of the popular dishes are:
Shark chutney: a spicy dish made from boiled and mashed shark meat, cooked with onion, lime juice, and bilimbi (a sour fruit).
Ladob: a sweet or savory dish made from plantain, sweet potato, cassava, or breadfruit, boiled with coconut milk, sugar, nutmeg, and vanilla (for the dessert version) or salted fish and salt (for the savory version).
Bouyon bred: a fish soup with greens, such as spinach, moringa, or pumpkin leaves.
Coconut curry: a rich and creamy curry with coconut milk, curry powder, and various meats or vegetables.
Kat-kat banane: a dish of green bananas and fish cooked in coconut milk.
This West African little ball-shaped, deep fried doughnut is a common food, however it bears several names from country to country. It is called togbei and bofrot in Ghana but also puff puff, kala or mikate, beinye and ligemat in other West African countries including Nigeria, Cameroon and Sierra Leone, while South and East Africa call their doughnut, mandazi.
The cuisine of Somalia is a fusion of different culinary traditions, influenced by its history of trade, commerce, and colonization. Some of the staple foods of Somalia are flatbread, pasta, rice, meat, and bananas.
Some of the most popular traditional dishes of Somalia are:

Canjeero or lahoh: a pancake-like bread made from fermented flour and yeast, eaten with honey, ghee, or meat sauce.
Muufo: a corn flour flatbread baked in a clay oven, eaten with soup, sesame oil, and banana
Baasto: pasta with meatballs, tomato sauce, and potato slices, spiced with cumin, cardamom, cloves, and sage.
Canbulo iyo bun: beans and coffee berries, a snack eaten with tea.
Xalwo: a sweet dessert made from sugar, cornstarch, oil, and cardamom, often garnished with nuts and sesame seeds.
Sambuusa: a fried pastry filled with meat, cheese, or vegetables, similar to a samosa.
Bariis iskukaris: rice cooked with spices, raisins, and meat or vegetables, often served with a salad and banana.
Muqmad or odkac: dried meat, usually beef, goat, or camel, boiled in ghee and preserved for long periods.
Somali cuisine also varies from region to region, depending on the availability of ingredients and the Sabayad, also known as kimis, is a square/rectangular flatbread eaten in Greater Somalia.
Bobotie Bobotie is sometimes called the national dish of South Africa. The dish originates from Indonesian slaves who were brought to South Africa by the Dutch East India company in the 17th century. Bobotie is made from spiced minced meat and dried fruit with an egg and milk topping which is baked in the oven until it’s set – a bit like Greek moussaka. Eat bobotie with yellow rice, some fruit chutney, sliced banana and a sprinkling of coconut.
Cape Malay curry When the Dutch and French settlers came to Cape Town in the 17th century they brought with them slaves from Indonesia to work on their lands. These slaves used their own spices and traditional cooking techniques with local African ingredients to create aromatic curries and stews – spicy but not fiery, and sweet – now known as Cape Malay curry. There are a great many variations.
Koeksisters Another South African speciality, from the Western Cape, is the syrup-covered doughnut called the koeksister. The name comes from the Dutch koekje – say it out loud and you’ll hear what it means: ‘cookie’. Koeksisters are usually twisted or braided and there are two types: the Cape Malay which is spicier and covered with dried coconut; the Afrikaner is crispier and has more syrup. Both are crunchy and sticky on the outside, and moist and syrupy on the inside.
Malva pudding This is South African comfort food at its sweet and sticky best: malva pudding. Malva pudding originated with the Cape Dutch settlers and is a spongy cake-type pudding made with sugar, eggs, flour, butter and apricot jam. As soon as it’s out of the oven, a hot sweet and creamy sauce is poured over the top of the pudding. Malva pudding is often served up after Sunday lunch in South Africa and can be enjoyed with custard, ice cream, whipped cream, brandy butter, crème anglaise or whatever your choice.
Chicken salad
Homemade black garlic and sauce
Peri peri sauce
The cuisine of South Sudan is based on grains, such as maize, sorghum, and millet, as well as yams, potatoes, vegetables, legumes, meat, okra, and fruit1. Meat is usually boiled, grilled, or dried, and fish is common near the rivers and lakes. Some of the most popular dishes are:

Kisra, a fermented flatbread made with sorghum flour, which is the national dish and a staple food. It is often eaten with meat, vegetable, or fish stews, or with salads.
Asida, a doughy dumpling made with flour, water, and salt, which is steamed or baked. It is usually served with stews or sauces, such as molokhia, a green soup made from jute leaves.
Ful medames, a dish of cooked fava beans seasoned with cumin, garlic, lemon, and oil. It is a common breakfast dish, often eaten with bread or eggs.
Tamia, a type of falafel made with chickpeas, onion, garlic, parsley, and spices, which are deep-fried into balls or patties15. They are usually served with tahini sauce, salad, or bread.
Combo, a dish of spinach cooked with peanut butter and tomatoes, which gives it a creamy and nutty flavor1 . It is a vegetarian dish that can be eaten with bread or rice.
Chicken salad
Homemade black garlic and sauce
Peri peri sauce
The cuisine of Sudan is greatly influenced by the historical and cultural interactions of Arab, Nubian, Egyptian, Turkish, and Levantine peoples in the region. Some of the most common ingredients in Sudanese cuisine are bread, meat, beans, peanuts, sesame, okra, and spices.
Sudanese cuisine consists of a variety of dishes, such as:

Ful medames: the national dish of Sudan, made of cooked fava beans seasoned with cumin, lemon juice, garlic, and other spices. It is often served with flatbread, vegetables, or cheese.
Mullah: a rich meat stew that is blended to a smooth consistency and eaten with kisra, a thin flatbread similar to a crêpe.
Tamayya: chickpea fritters that are seasoned with cumin, coriander, garlic, and lemon juice. They are fried until golden-brown and served in a sandwich or with dips. They are similar to falafel.
Asseeda: a porridge dish made of rye, flour, and water. It is usually eaten with a savory sauce or a sweet syrup.
Um ali: a dessert made of pastry, milk, cream, nuts, and dried fruits. It is similar to bread pudding.
Sudanese cuisine is also regional, with fish being popular along the Nile and camel meat being consumed in some areas.
Some typical mainland Tanzanian foods include wali (rice), ugali (maize porridge), nyama choma (grilled meat), mshikaki (marinated beef), samaki (fish), pilau (rice mixed with a variety of spices), biriyani, Mahindi ya Kuchoma (Grilled Corn), Chapatti (Fried Flatbread), and ndizi-nyama (plantains with meat).
Ugali corn fufu
The cuisine of Togo is influenced by the diverse ethnic groups, colonial history, and geographical location of the country.
Some of the common ingredients in Togolese dishes are maize, rice, millet, cassava, yam, plantain, beans, fish, and groundnuts.
Some of the traditional Togolese foods are:

Groundnut soup:
A rich and spicy soup made with groundnuts, uziza seeds, bitter leaf, ginger, onion, tomatoes, aubergine, and okra.
A soft and doughy side dish made from pounded yams, cassava, plantain, or maize. It is usually dipped into soups or sauces.
Akpan: A fermented maize yogurt that is sold in small sachets on the streets. It is mixed with condensed milk and ice.
Djenkoume: A moist cornmeal cake that is flavoured with tomatoes, onion, garlic, and ginger.
Koklo meme: Grilled chicken with a chili sauce.
Riz sauce d’arachide:
A rice dish made with groundnut sauce.
Togo is not known for its desserts, but fresh tropical fruits such as pineapple, banana, or mango are often enjoyed after meals. In Togo foods, maize is a main ingredient. In fact, a traditional Togolese proverb advises against roasting all of your maize during the winter. While yams, cassava, plantains, and rice are all sources of starch, maize is by far the most prevalent.

Jollof rice is one of the most common Togo foods. It is prepared throughout the region including in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Cameroon as well as Mali.

Fufu is a mainstay of Togo foods and culture. Traditional yams are cooked before being mashed into a dough and served with a variety of sauces and side dishes to make fufu. Pates, another traditional Togo food, are prepared from cassava or maize flour and are typically accompanied by sauces made from meat or vegetables.

A large variety of fruits can be found in Togo. There are many mango trees, and pineapple is always in season. In Togo’s urban regions, it’s also typical to find baguettes and German beers.
Jollof rice
Ugali corn fufu
Tunisian cuisine is a blend of Mediterranean and native Punics-Berber cuisines, influenced by various cultures and nations such as Italians, Andalusians, French and Arabs1. Tunisian food is known for its spiciness and use of harissa, a paste of ground chili peppers, garlic, and spices.
Tunisian cuisine is also rich in seafood, meat, olive oil, tomatoes, and a variety of spices and herbs.
Some of the most popular dishes in Tunisian cuisine are:

Couscous: A staple dish made of steamed semolina grains, served with meat, vegetables, and sauce. There are many variations of couscous, such as couscous with fish, couscous with lamb, and couscous with seven vegetables.
Brik: A thin pastry filled with egg, tuna, cheese, parsley, and harissa, then deep-fried until crispy. Brik is usually eaten as a starter or a snack.
Lablabi: A thick soup made of chickpeas, garlic, cumin, harissa, and olive oil, garnished with bread, lemon, olives, and boiled eggs. Lablabi is a popular street food and a comfort food in winter.
Shakshouka: A dish of eggs poached in a sauce of tomatoes, onions, peppers, and spices. Shakshouka can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and is often served with bread.
Tajine: A type of quiche or pie made of eggs, cheese, meat, and vegetables, baked in a round dish. Tajine can have different fillings, such as spinach, potatoes, or chicken.
Makroudh: A pastry made of semolina dough, filled with dates or almonds, and fried or baked, then soaked in honey or sugar syrup.
Baklava: A pastry made of thin layers of filo dough, filled with nuts and honey, and cut into diamond-shaped pieces.
Berkoukech soup
Chicken couscous
Majadra lentils and rice
shortbread cookies with Nutella
Slow-roasted tomatoes
In Uganda, the staple food is matoke (cooking bananas). Other food crops include cassava (manioc), sweet potatoes, white potatoes, yams, beans, peas, groundnuts (peanuts), cabbage, onions, pumpkins, and tomatoes.
Traditional foods include ugali (solidified maize meal porridge) served with a stew of groundnuts (peanuts), beans, chicken or meat such as beef, goat or mutton. Game can be found on menus in some restaurants and at safari lodges.
Ugali corn fufu
A major staple food is the couscous that often accompanies one way or another all the food dishes. The influences of southern cuisine makes them consume peanut as an accompaniment of some dishes. ,br> For meat, the Sahrawis favour the camel and goat; pork is not eaten, since it is not halal. Lamb also occupies a prominent place. Some tribes are famous for growing wheat, barley and cereals in general.
Some fruits and vegetables are grown in oases that are scattered within the territory.


Freshwater fish: Bream, Nile perch and salmon from the Kafue, Luapula and Zambezi rivers.
Nshima: A stiff porridge made from ground maize – a staple eaten daily in the rural areas. A thinned down version may be eaten for breakfast with sugar and butter.
Ndiwo: A relish or sauce made from meat or fish boiled with green vegetables, usually served with nshima.
Ifisashi: Vegetarian stew of peanuts, tomatoes, spinach and cabbage, used to accompany nshima.
Samp and beans: Starchy dish made from crushed maize kernels and beans.
Biltong: Spiced, dried meat usually made from beef or game meat.
Sautéed insects: Grasshoppers, caterpillars, cicadas, flying ants and mopane worms are seasonal delicacies for rural Zambians.
Kapenta: A small sardine from Lake Tanganyika that is salted and sundried before eating.
Peri peri sauce
Ugali corn fufu
Meat in Zimbabwe is very good, and interesting game meats such as warthog and crocodile are readily available in most towns and tourist areas. In the major urban areas a variety of international restaurants are also available, while the local diet includes tasty peanut-based stews, wild mushroom soup and starchy staples. .
Zimbabwean markets generally have sumptuous fruit, especially papaya, and good locally-grown vegetables. Beer is never far away, whether it’s European-style lager or the opaque maize beer that is a favourite with many locals.
Sadza. A stiff maize meal porridge eaten with meat or stew.
Nhedzi: A rich wild mushroom soup.
Game meat Including ostrich, warthog and crocodile tail.
Whawha: Traditional maize beer.
Bota Porridge flavoured with peanut butter, milk, butter or jam and traditionally eaten for breakfast.
Dovi: Traditional peanut butter stew with meat and/or vegetables.
Mapopo candy Papaya cooked in and dusted with sugar.
Mopane worms: A large insect usually dried or fried as a protein-rich snack, or sometimes added to stews.
Mupotohayi: Traditional homemade cornbread.
Biltong Seasoned and dried meat usually made from beef or game.
Peri peri sauce
Ugali corn fufu
conversion of liquids
Type a value in one of the inputs below to convert into other units.
Liters - l
Déciliters - dl
Centiliters - cl
Milliliters - ml
UK, Canada
Gallons - gal
Pints - pt
Cups - c
Ounces liquids - fl oz
Tablespoons - tbsp
Teaspoons - tsp
Type a value in one of the inputs below to convert into other units..

Kilogramms :  kg
Gramms :  g
Pounds :  lb
Ounces :  oz


Type a value in one of the inputs below to convert into other units.

Degrees Celsius :  °C
degrees Fahrenheit :  °F

Measures of non liquid ingredients

Non-liquid ingredients in volume converted
into weight using the table below.
For products not included, use a metric scale
Weight of specific 'ingredients in grams


1 cup

3/4 cup

2/3 cup

1/2 cup

1/3 cup

1/4 cup

2 tablespoons

All-purpose wheat flour 120 g 90 g 80 g 60 g 40 g 30 g 15 g
All-purpose sifted wheat flour 110 g 80 g 70 g 55 g 35 g 27 g 13 g
White sugar 200 g 150 g 130 g 100 g 65 g 50 g 25 g
Powdered sugar/Icing sugar 100 g 75 g 70 g 50 g 35 g 25 g 13 g
Brown sugar normally packed 180 g 135 g 120 g 90 g 60 g 45 g 23 g
Corn flour 160 g 120 g 100 g 80 g 50 g 40 g 20 g
Cornstarch 120 g 90 g 80 g 60 g 40 g 30 g 15 g
Rice (not-cooked) 190 g 140 g 125 g 95 g 65 g 48 g 24 g
Macaroni (uncooked) 140 g 100 g 90 g 70 g 45 g 35 g 17 g
Couscous (uncooked) 180 g 135 g 120 g 90 g 60 g 45 g 22 g
Quick oatmeal (uncooked) 90 g 65 g 60 g 45 g 30 g 22 g 11 g
Table salt 300 g 230 g 200 g 150 g 100 g 75 g 40 g
Butter / Margarine 240 g 180 g 160 g 120 g 80 g 60 g 30 g
Shortening 190 g 140 g 125 g 95 g 65 g 48 g 24 g
Fruits and légumes chopped 150 g 110 g 100 g 75 g 50 g 40 g 20 g
chopped walnuts 150 g 110 g 100 g 75 g 50 g 40 g 20 g
Nuts /ground almonds 120 g 90 g 80 g 60 g 40 g 30 g 15 g
Fresh bread crumbs (not packed) 60 g 45 g 40 g 30 g 20 g 15 g 8 g
Dry bread crumbs 150 g 110 g 100 g 75 g 50 g 40 g 20 g
Parmesan grated 90 g 65 g 60 g 45 g 30 g 22 g 11 g
Chocolate chips 150 g 110 g 100 g 75 g 50 g 38 g  19 g
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58 Africa E-cookbooks Recipes