Gomasio sesame salt

Gomasio, which translates to “sesame salt”, is a Japanese seasoning blend made from whole sesame seeds and salt. A variation includes dried seaweed. Gomasio is a table condiment, often sprinkled over a variety of foods to add flavor and a touch of saltiness.
Gomasio has a very low ratio of salt so it is a perfect low sodium seasoning. When the sesame seeds are toasted their oils are released and coat the salt granules, boosting their flavor.
16 tbsp sesame seeds (you can even use black sesame seeds)
1 tbsp good quality mineral salt like Himalayan Salt,Guerande or Camargue fleur de sel from France
Gomasio is traditionally made with unhulled sesame seeds, meaning the outer layer is intact. This also adds a bit of bitterness. You can also use hulled sesame seeds if you prefer to cut back on the bitter flavor.
The sesame seeds are toasted until golden brown and left to cool before grinding them and combining them with the salt.
Use good sea salt such as flaky sea salt (Maldon Salt) because the flakes add a great texture to the seasoning blend.
Store the mix in a glass jar and keep in the fridge. Sprinkle over rice, steamed vegetables, salads or anything that wants a bit of extra seasoning and flavour on
Gomasio is traditionally made with unhulled sesame seeds, meaning the outer layer is intact. This also adds a bit of bitterness. You can also use hulled sesame seeds if you prefer to cut back on the bitter flavor. The sesame seeds are toasted until golden brown and left to cool before grinding them and combining them with the salt.
Consider this a very unique all-purpose seasoning blend. Here are just a few ways you can use it:
On rice, noodles and rice balls
Sprinkled on salads
In stir fries
Sprinkled on soups
With sushi and California rolls
Tossed in popcorn
Sprinkled over steamed vegetables and beans