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Serves: 4
If they like it, it serves 4 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Totaltime: 25 minutes

Also, bits of crisp bacon with the onions/butter can be added to the dumplings which are accompanied with sour cream


  • 2 c. grated raw potatoes
    1 egg
    1/2 tsp. salt
    3/4 cup flour
    1 cup chopped onion
    4 oz Butter


  • Peel and grate the potatoes using a fine grater. Place the grated potatoes in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze out any excess moisture.
    Combine Ingredients:

    In a large mixing bowl, combine the grated potatoes, flour, salt, and beaten egg. Mix well until a dough-like consistency forms.

    Flour your hands to prevent sticking. Take a small portion of the dough and roll it into a ball, then flatten it slightly to form a dumpling. Repeat this process until all the dough is used.
    Cook the Dumplings:

    Bring a large pot of salted water to a gentle boil. Carefully drop the dumplings into the boiling water. Cook for about 5-7 minutes or until the dumplings float to the surface.
    Drain and Serve:

    Use a slotted spoon to remove the dumplings from the boiling water and drain excess water.
    Serve with Sour Cream or Butter:

    Place the Kletski on a serving dish. Serve hot with a generous dollop of sour cream or drizzled with melted butter. Optionally, sprinkle chopped fresh dill over the top for added flavor.
    Saute onions with butter and pour over the dumplings.
  • For the Belarusian kletski - potato dumplings:
  •  Tags for<b>Belarusian kletski - potato dumplings
  • Tags for Belarusian kletski - potato dumplings
  • main ingredients:
  • potato Pageturner Cookbook
  • egg Pageturner Cookbook
  • flour Pageturner Cookbook
  • onion Pageturner Cookbook
  • type of dish:
  • side-dish Pageturner Cookbook
  • lunch Pageturner Cookbook
  • dinner Pageturner Cookbook
  • Country cuisine:
  • Belarus Pageturner Cookbook
  • specific recipes:
  • quick-and-easy Pageturner Cookbook
  • Type of meal:
  • dinner Pageturner Cookbook
  • lunch Pageturner Cookbook
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