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Serves: 10
If they like it, it serves 10 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Totaltime: 1 hour 20 minutes


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 tsp ach dry mustard, and garlic powder
    1/2 tsp pepper
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, (optional)
    4 egg
    vegetable oil, for deep-frying
    3 lbs kosher boneless skinless chicken breast boneless skinless chicken breasts, and/thighs


  • In shallow dish, mix together half of the flour, the mustard, garlic powder, pepper,salt, and cayenne
    pepper (if using). Pour remaining flour into separate shallow dish. In third shallow dish,
    beat eggs. Pour enough oil into large deep skillet or Dutch oven to come 1 inch (2.5 cm) up side.
    Heat until deep-fryer thermometer reads 375 F (190 C) or 1-inch (2.5 cm) cube of white bread turns
    golden brown in 40 seconds.
    Meanwhile, cut chicken into scant 1/2-inch (1 cm) thick slices. Coat chicken in flour, tapping off
    excess. Dip into eggs, allowing excess to drip back into dish. Coat with mustard mixture.
    Fry chicken, in batches and turning occasionally, until golden brown and juices run clear when chicken
    is pierced, about 5 minutes for white meat and 7 minutes for dark meat. Drain on rack over paper
    towel–lined baking sheet.

    For a Hanukkah version of chicken and waffles, try a piece of this fried chicken on a plain
    A Recipe of buñuelo drizzled with maple syrup.

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