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Serves: 10
If they like it, it serves 10 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour
Totaltime: 1 hour 40 minutes

Add or replace raspsberries with strawberries for a perfect Spring match


  • Pastry:
    1 1/2 cups flour
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/4 cup ground almonds
    1 tablespoon brown sugar
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    2/3 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla

    1/4 cup whipping cream
    1 egg
    1/4 cup sugar
    2 tablespoons flour
    1 tablespoon ground almonds
    1 tablespoon Brandy, Grand Marnier or rum
    1/4 teaspoon vanilla
    1 cup raspberries
    1 1/2 cups rhubarb, chopped into 1/2-inch pieces


  • For Pastry:
    Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    Combine flour with sugar, almonds, brown sugar and salt in a large bowl or food processor. Add butter and vanilla. Cut butter into flour mixture until crumbly.
    Set aside 2/3 cup of this mixture.
    Press remaining flour mixture evenly over bottom of an ungreased 10-inch tart pan with removable bottom or a springform pan, pressing about 1 inch up sides to form a shell if you like.
    Bake on bottom rack of oven until pale golden, from 20 to 25 minutes.
    Cool on a rack. Turn oven temperature down to 350 degrees. Meanwhile, whisk cream with egg, sugar, flour, almonds, brandy and vanilla.
    In another bowl, toss raspberries with rhubarb. Scatter evenly over baked crust.
    Drizzle cream mixture over top. Sprinkle reserved crumb mixture evenly over top. Bake until custard is just set, from 35 to 40 minutes.
    For a golden finish on crumble, turn on broiler and broil until topping is golden, from 1 to 2 minutes.
    Serve warm or room temperature.
  • For the Raspberry-rhubarb custard tart :
  •  Tags for<b>Raspberry-rhubarb custard tart
  • Tags for Raspberry-rhubarb custard tart
  • main ingredients:
  • raspberry Pageturner Cookbook
  • Pageturner Cookbook
  • strawberry Pageturner Cookbook
  • Pageturner Cookbook
  • rhubarb Pageturner Cookbook
  • type of dish:
  • dessert Pageturner Cookbook
  • Country cuisine:
  • United-Kingdom Pageturner Cookbook
  • season and occasion:
  • Mothers-Day Pageturner Cookbook
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