Kava kava drink


Photo: thisvegetarian.com

Prep Time:
5 minutes
Cooking Time:
15 minutes

This kava drink recipe is consumed throughout the Pacific islands of Fiji, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu, made from the ground roots of the yagona plant. The root of the plant is used to produce a drink with sedative, anesthetic, and euphoriant properties. Its active ingredients are called kavalactones.

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  • 1/2 cup Ground kava root
    2 cups Water
    1 Strainer bag
    1 Large bowl


1. Measure out your kava root according to taste, a typical serving would usually be a 1/2 cup per person.
2. Place the kava root into the strainer and boil your water so you have 2 cups of boiling water per serving. Note that for the best results your water shouldn’t be fully boiled but should be hot. If your water does boil then you can leave it for 5 minutes until it reaches an acceptable temperature.
3. Place your strainer of kava root in a bowl and pour in your hot water, this can sit for around 10 minutes whilst the mixture steeps.
4. After 10 minutes or so, squeeze your strainer tightly and start kneading the remaining kava root inside to go into the bowl.
5. Your mixture should now be a nice brown color, the kava sediments should be contained within the straining bag and shouldn’t have made it to the bowl but if some have then don’t worry too much.
6. Pour your liquid into a container and refrigerate until it is cold.
7. Pour into a glass and enjoy!

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