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Serves: 24
If they like it, it serves 24 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 15 minutes Totaltime: 15 minutes
Additional info: For decorating 3 cakes.

Keep the pastillage in a sealed bag as it dries rapidly


  • 2 packets unflavored gelatin I used Knox gelatin
    1/3 cup water
    6 cups powdered sugar lightly spooned into cup
    1/4 tsp cream of tartar
    2 tbsp corn syrup


  • Combine the powdered sugar and the cream of tartar in a mixing bowl.
    Place the water into a 2 cup heatproof glass and sprinkle the gelatin. Let it stand until the gelatin blooms (about 5 minutes), then place in the microwave for about 2 minutes. Stir until the gelatin is dissolved. Then add the corn syrup and continue to stir until no lumps appear.
    Make a well in the center of the powdered sugar and add the gelatin mixture. Mix slowly until everything is incorporated. Turn off the mixer and knead by hand for a few minutes. If it is too dry add a few drops of water and continue to knead. When the pastillage is pliable, wrap in plastic and place into a zip lock bag. You should be able to use immediately.
    To make the pastillage workable heat small pieces in the microwave for 10 seconds or less. Be careful, if you heat it up too much it will become soft and sticky and/or too hot. If this happens, just let it sit for a few minutes.

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