Chicken terrine

8 ounces skinned chicken breast
2 egg whites
4 ounces light cream
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon chopped dill
1 teaspoon chopped basil
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
8 ounces cubed carrots
4 ounces cubed zucchini
4 ounces cubed artichokes
4 ounces julienne cèpes
8 ounces spinach leaves
8 ounces julienne red peppers
Bone and grind chicken breasts. Place in a cold food processor and purée to a fine paste. Add slowly the chilled cream. Mix in dill, salt, pepper and basil. Refrigerate.
Cook carrots till tender then cool in ice cold water and drain. Boil zucchini, diced artichokes al dente in separate pots. Blanch spinach in boiling water. Shock in ice water and drain well. Cut into julienne. Fold all vegetables into chicken mixture.
Line a 12 inch terrine with plastic wrap.
Fill with mixture. Press well. Cover.
Bake in a water bath in a 300 degree oven. Bake to an internal temperature of 150 degrees.
Cool and refrigerate. Slice and serve with green salad.