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Serves: 4
If they like it, it serves 4 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 0 minute
Totaltime: 15 minutes

This creamy light berry ice cream shake is very easy to make and quick for a refreshing dessert. The coulis can be prepared up to 3 hours ahead and the shake made just before serving.


  • For the strawberry shake:
    8 strawberries
    1 pint good quality vanilla ice cream
    1 cup red berry coulis

    For the red berry coulis:
    1 cup raspberries
    1 cup strawberries, hulled and halved
    2 tablespoons sugar
    1 tablespoon water
    1 teaspoon lemon juice


  • Strawberry shake:
    Hull and thinly slice 4 strawberries, save 4 whole with the stems on, slit halfway up from the bottom and reserved for garnish
    Decorate 4 tall glasses or champagne flutes with strawberry slices by pressing one slice at a time against the insides of the glasses from bottom to top.
    Freeze the decorated glasses 10 minutes before serving.
    Red berry coulis:
    In a blender, puree the red coulis ingredients until very smooth. Strain through a fine strainer. Refrigerate until needed. Combine the berry coulis and the ice cream in a food processor. Blend until light and smooth. Pour or spoon the shake into the decorated glasses. Slide one slit strawberry onto the rim of each glass and serve immediately with a tall spoon.
  • For the Strawberry shake with red berry coulis:
  •  Tags for<b>Strawberry shake with red berry coulis
  • Tags for Strawberry shake with red berry coulis
  • main ingredients:
  • Pageturner Cookbook
  • type of dish:
  • dessert Pageturner Cookbook
  • Country cuisine:
  • American Pageturner Cookbook
  • specific recipes:
  • kid-Friendly Pageturner Cookbook
  • season and occasion:
  • Barbecue Pageturner Cookbook
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