


Prep Time:
2 hours
Cooking Time:
1 hour

This typical Italian dessert would have been the creation of a young baker whose name was Tony. To charm his Milanese girlfriend, he invented this dessert, that became "pan di Toni", the panettone

Cook Mode (Keep screen awake)


  • 1 package (1 tablespoon) dry yeast
    1 teaspoon sugar
    1/4 cup water
    1 pound all-purpose flour
    4 ounces sugar
    6 ounces unsalted butter, softened
    6 eggs
    1/4 cup lemon peel, diced
    1/4 cup orange peel, diced
    1 cup raisins


In a small mixing bowl, dissolve yeast in water and sugar. Stir well and allow to raise in a warm place. In the mixing bowl of an electric mixer, combine flour, yeast mixture, sugar, butter, eggs. Mix dough at low speed until it becomes elastic and smooth and does not stick to sides of bowl.
Shape dough into a ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise at room temperature until triple in volume. Punch the dough. Again shape into a ball.
Cover and refrigerate overnight.
To bake the panettone, I use an empty 2 pound coffee can lined with buttered brown paper.
On a floured surface, work the lemon and orange peel and raisins into the dough.
Drop dough in the prepared mold. Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Let dough rise at room temperature until triples in volume. Brush dough with warm milk.
Bake about 55 minutes to 1 hour.

Country cuisine Ecookbook(s) showing the recipe Panettone:

3 Countries Ecookbooks in the spotlight

France E-cookbook


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Italy Complete E-cookbook
