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Serves: 8
If they like it, it serves 8 otherwise  - thinking face emoji
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Totaltime: 45 minutes
Additional info: makes about 2 dozen

A buñuelo is fried dough. It is a popular snack in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Turkey, Greece, and Morocco, and is a tradition at Christmas, Ramadan, and among Sephardic Jews at Hanukkah. Ref: Wikipedia
This recipe can be made the day before and placed in the refrigerator to rise covered overnight.


  • 1/4 cup warm water (105 to 110 degrees F.)
    1 tablespoon granulated sugar
    1 package active dry yeast
    7 tablespoons milk
    2 tablespoons shortening
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1 1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
    Vegetable oil for frying.


  • In a small bowl, stir together the warm water and the sugar. Sprinkle the yeast over this and let it set for about 10 minutes
    In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, heat the milk, shortening, and salt just until the shortening melts. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool down to lukewarm
    Place the flour into a large mixing bowl and begin to mix in both the yeast and the milk mixtures, stirring briskly to mix in all the ingredients. When the dough becomes to thick to mix with the spoon, turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for a minimum of 5 minutes. The dough should be smooth and elastic when pulled and not sticky. It should spring back slightly when you poke a finger into it.

    Roll the dough ball in a lightly oiled large bowl. Cover the bowl loosely with a tea towel or plastic wrap. Let the dough rise in a warm place until doubled in size, approximately 1 to 2 hours.
    When dough has risen, punch down the dough, cut it into four (4) equal sections, and allow it to rest for another 10 minutes.
    While the dough is resting heat your oil to 375 degrees F. (a skillet or electric fryer works best).
    Divide each dough quarter into three (3) pieces. Pat them into a 4-inch circle, stretching and pressing until a round shape is formed.
    Carefully place the dough pieces into the hot oil and fry until they puff up and are browned, approimately 1 minute. With a slotted spoon, flip the Buñuelo over and cook for another 1 minute to brown the second side. Remove from the hot oil and drain well.
    Buñuelos can be kept warm in a 200 degree F. oven for up to 1 hour. They refrigerate well and can be reheated in a 350 degree F. oven for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

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